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From Scratch Web Games: A Beginners Guide to Game Development using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

Chapter 5.8: Numbers and Dates

It is very common in forms to want the user to enter numbers and dates. While it is certainly possible to just have normal text input for both these types of inputs, we tend to want a bit more control over these. With the numbers input type we sort of have this. How close you are depends on the browser. Most browsers, will have arrows that let you adjust the number and limit the range based on min and max attributes. If you want to increment/decrement at a different step, the step attribute determines the adjustment size that will be applied when selecting up or down. Using the arrows will enforce the range of the number. Typing in a number, however, does not.

While you have control over valid input, visually letting users know they have something invalid still requires JavaScript. With all the inputs that support validation, the onchange or oninput events can be used to call a method that adjusts the style based on the validity. The difference between onchange and oninput is that onchange only is called when the change is entered, while oninput is called as the input is being edited. As an example, say we had a number that we wanted to be in the range of 3 to 18. We would set up the input as follows:

Number between 3 and 18: 
<input id="DandD" type="number" min="3" max="18" step="1" oninput="updateDandDValidity()">

And our validation function would look something like:

function updateDandDValidity() {
let dandd = document.getElementById("DandD");
let c = dandd.checkValidity() ? "#102" : "#c00";
dandd.style.color = c;
dandd.style.borderColor = c;

A more visual way of getting the user to input a number is with a slider that lets them select the number by moving a circle to the amount you wish. This is a bit trickier than it sounds as the slider does not show what the current value is. A slight bit of JavaScript can be used to display the slider value. If you have several sliders, you may want to write a generic function for doing this as shown here.

function updateRange(rng, lbl) {
let inputRange = document.getElementById(rng);
document.getElementById(lbl).innerHTML= inputRange.value;

You will notice that I am requiring the caller provide the name of the element to change and the name of the element that displays the text for the control. This can be used by the range as follows:

Select number between 3 and 18:
<input id="DandDRange" type="range"
min="3" max="18"
oninput="updateRange('DandDRange', 'DandDRangeValue')">
<span id="DandDRangeValue"></span>

Note that you do not need to specify ranges. If you do not have min and max attributes then the default values are 0 and 100.

Another very common type of input to request from the user is dates and times. The huge advantage of using a type for these is that most browsers will support some type of GUI popup making it easier for users to find an appropriate date.

Dates are in the yyyy-mm-dd format which is a nice format to use when programming as it is properly sorted. Just like with numbers, dates have min and max values, which are the date ranges that are valid for the input. The date also supports a step, with the number used being the number of days to change per step. The way dates (and all their related versions) look is browser dependent but most browsers will let you click a calendar icon and select the date using that calendar.

Enter a date between 2001 and 2061: 
<input type="date" min="2001-01-01" max="2061-12-31">

If you only need a particular month, you can use the month input type. It also supports min and max date ranges, though there is no need to specify the day portion. You can specify days, but it really isn’t useful if you only want months.

Please select a month: 
<input type="month" min="2001-01-01" max="2061-12-31">

Weeks are a bit strange as weeks are used using the format 2024-W42. The W is used to tell the browser that you are wanting a week of the year, with weeks ranging from 01 to 52 with some years also having a W53. Again, normal date ranges will also work.

Select a week:
<input type="week" min="2024-W10" max="2024-W30">

Time selection is also an option. The common browsers tend to do this with number lists, instead of a clock display. Often using AM/PM instead of the more logical military time. While the display time may be in AM/PM, the min and max times should be in military time. Some browsers seem bad at restricting the time when using their GUI controls, but do still honor the validity when using checkValidity().

Enter a time:
<input type="time" min="09:00" max="18:00">

Finally, on some browsers, there is the datetime-local. It is a combination of date and time. When setting ranges you will be using the yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm format, for example 2024-10-21T08:42. Again, some browsers will validate fine but allow incorrect entry in their GUI input. It should also be noted that the timezone you are in is not retrievable or controlable with this control, so a separate input, such as options list (we will cover those shortly) will need to be added if timezone information is required.

Enter a date and time:
<input type="datetime-local" min="2001-01-01T08:30" max="2061-12-31T17:00">

We have covered a lot of input types, but there are still a few more to go, so we will be exploring the remaining input types next.

Chapter contents

Chapter 5 Contents

5.1 Forms Cheat Sheets

This chapter's summary cheat sheet.

5.2 The client-server model

How forms are traditionally used.

5.3 The Form tag

How to set up a form in HTML.

5.4 Inputting text

Getting text input from the user.

5.5 Specialized text formats

Making your input fields more specific and semantic.

5.6 Form cosmetics

Making forms look more like printed forms.

5.7 checkboxes & radio buttons

How to use Checkboxes and Radio buttons.

5.8 Numbers and Dates

Using numbers and dates gives your user better GUI controls.

5.9 special purpose input types

The reset, button, image, color, and file input types.

5.10 Option Select

The select element lets users select options from a drop-down list.

5.11 Data Lists

The datalist elements lets you create pull-down lists for input elements.

5.12 Output

Displaying values in a form.

5.13 dialog box concepts

Built in dialog boxes and pre-dialog tag handmade dialogs.

5.14 using dialog boxes

The <dialog> tag and using it to create dialog boxes.

5.15 Validating forms

Review of validating forms in HTML.

5.16 JavaScript Validation

How to use JavaScript to prevent invalid forms from being submitted.

5.17 Project: Trivia

Chapter project: Trivia game

5.18 Trivia Project Solution

Solution for the Trivia gaame

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Checkboxes and Radio Buttons
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Special Purpose Input
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