One of the original reasons for using HTML was for having the user submit information back to the server in the form of forms. The use of JavaScript allows us to make use of these forms without having to send the information back to a server so even though we are not going to be covering server-side programming in this book, forms are still very useful.
The purpose of the cheat sheet is to give you a summary of the main aspects of HTML Forms and assumes that you are already familiar with the earlier HTML Basics chapter. If you are not sure if you should read through this chapter, take a look at the cheat sheet provided and if you fully understand what is in the cheat sheet then feel free to skim or skip this chapter. I urge those readers to attempt the project just to make sure they really do understand the material but that is up to you.
The cheat sheet is located here and is in my github repository located at
This chapter's summary cheat sheet.
How forms are traditionally used.
How to set up a form in HTML.
Getting text input from the user.
Making your input fields more specific and semantic.
Making forms look more like printed forms.
How to use Checkboxes and Radio buttons.
Using numbers and dates gives your user better GUI controls.
The reset, button, image, color, and file input types.
The select element lets users select options from a drop-down list.
The datalist elements lets you create pull-down lists for input elements.
Displaying values in a form.
Built in dialog boxes and pre-dialog tag handmade dialogs.
The <dialog> tag and using it to create dialog boxes.
Review of validating forms in HTML.
How to use JavaScript to prevent invalid forms from being submitted.
Coming December 8th.
Coming December 15th.