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New Year Resolution 2025

It has been a long time since I have publicly posted a new year resolution, but figured that it would explain what is happening with my plans. As the few of you who regularly visit this site know, I am planning on creating my own JavaScript-based (and eventually WASM) game engine for Adventure and turn-based RPGs. As I want to write a book about the experience, and want everyone on the same page as me, I am in the process of writing a HTML/CSS/JavaScript book on creating games from scratch. This has been a longer process than I expected as I am currently only releasing a section per week with there being a lot of sections in each chapter. I would like to say that my resolution is to pick up the pace on releasing the book but unfortunately that is not realistic.

The big problem I am having is lack of time. This is partially because I am taking on way too many responsibilities at work. For those who didn’t know, I am a college professor teaching computer science. As I am teaching an overloaded course load, with some courses that I am teaching for the first time and others that are being revised I am forced to spend a lot of time doing prep work. As I want the students to freely have access to my lecture slides and demos, these are my own work which adds a lot of time to preparation.

If this was not enough, I am on several committees and am a union representative and am now the Secretary for the new IEEE Thompson Okanagan section. Why am I doing so much work? Well, my first resolution will be to slowly cut back on my workload if possible. Some of my committee work is going away in April so that will help. I am also not going to take on any overloads (unless matched by an underload the following term). I also suspect that I will not get the opportunity to work in the summer this year so that will help a bit. If the opportunity does come up, I will try to restrain myself.

This means that my book will continue a section a week except for holiday weekends. However, I will try to get ahead so I can start working on sections of the game engine book. I have not decided how I will release that book, but the most likely approach will be a series of random articles about different aspects of the project. This way visitors will be able to see parts of the book and I will still have the option of publishing the book.

I suppose I should have some normal resolutions here as well. I really need to start eating healthier so my last resolution will be to increase the healthiness of the food I am going to consume (and having smaller portions). Once the weather is good, I will start walking to the bus stop instead of driving to work.

Next week I will be starting the next chapter by posting the game that will be created at the end of the chapter. I hope this year turns out to be a good year despite the goings on of certain political leaders and hope all the people who have read this have a great year.

Go to Chapter 6
Coming January 12th